
From territorial Machines to “assemblages” of Liquid Democracy
Offered by IIT Kharapur.


Kindly register if you happen to be:
 1. A Research scholar or a Fellow pursuing your Doctorate or M Phil from Academic Institutes and your Research Area is concerned with using Continental, Postcolonial and Indian Epistemic Constructs and Theoretical Lenses to address Socio-Cultural Issues
 2. A M.A/M.Tech Student or a Faculty from academic institutions/Universities interested in Critical Humanities and Liberal arts
 3. A Cognoscenti, Writer, Intellectual, Member of the Intelligentsia or some Industrial House interested in and likely to benefit from Critical Theory, Philosophy, Art and Literature, Politics, Socio-Cultural concerns or Interdisciplinary Mode of Research

Kindly submit the draft to me on the day of your arrival in the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Kindly collect all the relevant information about this place from the website:
To confirm your participation kindly make a draft, scan it and mail it to or ssd@hss.iitkgp.ernet,in

Participation Fees

Participation Fees?

The participation fees for taking the course is as follows:
Participants from abroad : US $500
Students from Academic Institutions within India: : 500 INR
Faculty from Academic Institutions within India: : 2300 INR

The above fee include all instructional or Course materials. The participants will be provided with accommodation on payment basis.
Last date of registration is January 4, 2018